What happens to kids who see mum and dad fighting? | Mediation Near Me

What happens to kids who see mum and dad fighting?

Childhood exposure to family violence can lead to negative short-term and long-termoutcomes for health and wellbeing. These include impaired

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Mediation and Family Violence | Separation Coaching

Mediation and Family Violence

One of the reasons you might need to have a mediator present when you discuss finances and parenting after separation is because there is domestic

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Person in a covid mask

Info for parents: Covid 19 isolation

COVID-19 resources from other organisations In times like these, it helps to share resources. These links are from a wide range of organisations with

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Happy family Photo

The beautiful hard work of co-parenting

Here’s a TED talk to inspire you on your post separation journey to co-parenting. I wish you and your family all the best. from

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Money Growing image

Financial Planners and Mediation

Lawyers Weekly writer Jerome Doraisamy discussed with Claire McGregor on 13 October 2019 about the benefits of consulting a Financial Planner when

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Photo of child with stop written on his hand
Case study

Allegations of sexual abuse

In 2018, Two parents appeared in Family Court after the father applied for a change of residence for the child to live with him. Final parenting

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Group of guys enjoying their time together
Case study

Family Court is ‘anti-men’?

Did you know 93% of separated parents share responsibility for their children in family court consent orders? Responsibility means sharing in major

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drug Needle and pills

Drugs, violence & unsafe spaces

In a recent Family Law case, a mother was permitted to relocate from Sydney to Perth with the child. The father opposed the relocation on the basis

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What happens to kids who see mum and dad fighting? | Mediation Near Me

Does conflict impact your children?

A Mum and Dad had been in and out of Family Court since 2009. The children had been to many appointments with experts for the purpose of court

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Tess Dellagiacoma | Mediator | Section 60i Certificates
News, Uncategorized

My story: My path to becoming a mediator, inspired by experience

Hi, I’m Tess, the owner of Argyll FDRP, and here’s my story. My path to becoming a mediator begins about a quarter of a century ago when

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Father and child holding hand

“I’m losing my kids to my ex!” Stay connected to your children

Transitioning to a single parent family after separation is difficult for children and parents. Some parents externalise their grief and anger and

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Judge Gavel

Waiting times for Family Court hearings not getting shorter

The law Council of Australia reported yesterday that the proposed merger of courts is “unlikely to alleviate the Family Law crisis”. 

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