5 ideas of masculinity for Dads

What is masculinity? • It is a social construction rather than something that men and boys are born with. • It is a set of social expectations or standards for how men should think and act,but which many men are often unable to meet or live up to. This can cause depression or anger, and […]
Info for parents: Covid 19 isolation

COVID-19 resources from other organisations In times like these, it helps to share resources. These links are from a wide range of organisations with tips for parents, children and practitioners. 1800RESPECT: self isolation and COVID-19 Australian Institute of Family Studies: resources for families American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children: resources for parents, children […]
The beautiful hard work of co-parenting
Here’s a TED talk to inspire you on your post separation journey to co-parenting. I wish you and your family all the best. from Tess
Financial Planners and Mediation
Lawyers Weekly writer Jerome Doraisamy discussed with Claire McGregor on 13 October 2019 about the benefits of consulting a Financial Planner when dividing assets post separation. “Family law disputes are, she said, about more than simply dividing assets. “You need a financial planner who asks the right questions, knows how to listen, and can help […]