My story: My path to becoming a mediator, inspired by experience

Tess Dellagiacoma | Mediator | Section 60i Certificates

Hi, I’m Tess, the owner of Argyll FDRP, and here’s my story. My path to becoming a mediator begins about a quarter of a century ago when I separated from my husband with whom I share two children. These were the days before the internet and so it was hard to find information. I learned […]

“I’m losing my kids to my ex!” Stay connected to your children

Father and child holding hand

Transitioning to a single parent family after separation is difficult for children and parents. Some parents externalise their grief and anger and try to alienate (or distance) the children from the other parent. This form of conflict is damaging for children and distressing for the other parent. If you are being targeted by your ex […]

The cost of Family Court to you

Picture of Money

If your case goes to the Family Court, you could be paying about $110,000 for legal representation. For a case heard in the Federal Circuit Court, the cost is about $30,000, according to a Price Waterhouse Coopers report and published in the Sydney Morning Herald last weekend. Search “What the Family Court shakeup means for […]