Get Help with Child Support Problem

Tess from Argyll had a recent fantastic success for a Dad paying Child Support. Dad was concerned that Mum was not declaring extra income she was receiving from her ‘side hustle’. He was paying nearly $2,000 each month in Child Support and he thought it was unfair that the amount he was paying was […]
Long Term Effects of Parental Alienation on Child

Long term results of parental alienation to the alienated child By Sharie Stines, Psy.D. October 7th, 2020 (Source: Dr. Lori Love, Custody Evaluations 101: Allegations and Sensitivities) What are the long-term effects of parental alienation on the child who has been alienated? The results are devastating for the alienated child and can last a lifetime. Not only […]
New National Contravention List
When you have a parenting plan or parenting orders, it’s important to comply. The Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court have today announced the launch of a new national contravention list. This means that breaches of court orders will be dealt with quicker. Under the new scheme, to take effect upon the […]
Mistakes Separated Parents Make
Watch this video where Dr Phil tells separated parents about the most common mistakes separated parents make. It seems the mistakes are unfortunately quite universal, since the list he makes is also available through family relationship centres in Australia, too.
What happens to kids who see mum and dad fighting?
Childhood exposure to family violence can lead to negative short-term and long-termoutcomes for health and wellbeing. These include impaired cognitive functioning, mentalillness, poorer academic outcomes, externalising (e.g. showing aggression toward others)and internalising (e.g. experiencing fear, anxiety), behavioural issues, learning difficultiesand low self-esteem (Edleson, 1999; Kitzmann et al., 2003; Wolfe et al., 2003). Research has also […]