A Mum and Dad had been in and out of Family Court since 2009. The children had been to many appointments with experts for the purpose of court evidence. Mum had sole parental responsibility and refused to involve father in decisions regarding children. The judge noted the enormous financial and emotional costs of this 10 year saga, particularly the emotional cost of litigation on the children. The family report writer had extensive involvement with this family for the 10 years and had heard the children’s wishes. The children, now adolescents and aware of tension and conflict between parents, have the ability and desire to express their wishes. What do you think the kids asked for?

Is this your family’s story? Are you putting your kids in this position? Are you putting your kids second and fighting with your ex first?

Are you fooling yourself? Because you’re not fooling me.

I hear parents tell me stories about all the terrible things the ex has done. They tell me what they did in response. Nearly every time, your response to something the ex has done wrong is something else that also hurts your kids. The kids get hurt three times – once by one parent, once by the other parent and again by the constant conflict and fighting.

Our children have a right to love both parents. What are you doing to support that?

If you want to do things better and the next step looks like a big tangle of confusion, contact Argyll to untangle the knot with swift, affordable, custom mediation.